
Concerts 2024

09.08 19:00 Põltsamaa Church. "Shadow of the Moon". Viljandi Organ Festival. Kristel Aer-organ, Kristi Mühling- kannel. Music by Sisask, Tally, Vivaldi, Bach, free improvisations.

Past concerts 2024

15.02 18:00 Heino Eller Tartu Music College (Eduard Tubin Hall). Concert "Külmking" (Chills). Organized by MTÜ Loovüksus. Music by L. Hirsch (premiere), M. Tally, A. Veeroos, M. Liik, R. Jürjendal, free improvisations. Free entry!

18.02 18:00 Kadriorg Palace (Kadriorg Art Museum). Concert "Külmking" (Chills). Organized by MTÜ Loovüksus in cooperation with Estonian Art Museum. Music by L. Hirsch (premiere), M. Tally, A. Veeroos, M. Liik, R. Jürjendal, free improvisations.

06.03 Chamber Hall of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Concert "Musical Bridge between Estonia and Lithuania". Perfomers: Aiste Bružaite- Kankles (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), Kristi Mühling- kannel (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre), Emma Loona Mängli and Paula Linde (Kannel students of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre).

04.05 16:00 St. Nikolas’ Cathedral, Greifswald, Germany. Concert "Luminosities", festival "Nordisher Klang".  Estonian Sinfonietta Soloists, Concertmaster Peeter Margus,  Kristi Mühling - chromatic kannel, Maila Laidna - piano, Andreas Lend - cello, Karl Johann Lattikas -vibraphone, glockenspiel. Music by Tormis, Rääts, Pärt, Kõrvits, Jõeleht, Uusberg, Kruusmaa.

05.06 Niguliste Museum (St. Nicholas´ Church). Una Corda duo: Ene Nael- Harpsichord, Kristi Mühling - Kannel. Music by Bach, Pärt, Tally, Mägi, Jõeleht, Free improvisatsions.

14.06 19.00 Tallinn St. John’s Church. "Along the Milky Way". Concert is dedicated to victims of deportations. Eesti Sinfonietta Soloists, Concertmaster Peeter Margus. Music by Tormis, Jürjendal, Kõrvits, Uusberg, Bennet, Jõeleht.
